EtherInc eInc Ethereum Crypto Blockchain Fork

What is eInc?

einc is a bifurcation of Ethereum to drive the future of organizations: a decentralized blockchain project to create a digital organization based on cryptographic tests instead of trust, which can operate without borders, without permission, democratically and transparently with the consensus of its shareholders , without the need for a trusted third party or costly intermediaries.
What is the long-term vision?
Decentralized decentralized organizations driven by blockchain and smart contracts are more efficient than centralized organizations. Therefore, they can create better products or services at lower rates for users, which will lead to massive use. However, we need to make the current system of incorporating an organization completely decentralized and standardized.
ETI Currency
ETI coins are the fuel of the EtherInc blockchain, just as Ethereum has ETH coins as fuel in Ethereum blockchain

EINC Organizations

eInc Organization is an intelligent contract with a predefined protocol (eInc protocol) and is executed in the EtherInc block chain, each eInc has a unique name and will be maintained by the intelligent contract eIncNS (eInc organizations name service).

EINC Workflow


Creating, managing and operating an organization can be complicated unnecessarily with long procedures, bank visits, legal complexities, numerous fees and unnecessary intermediaries and third parties that impose artificial restrictions.
We create einc to train teams around the world to create, manage and operate decentralized democratic organizations that are more resilient and reliable, allowing the efficient creation of value without borders, restrictions and costly intermediaries.
Type of Proposals
● Issue actions
● Investment
● Assign actions
● Sell stocks
● Appoint CEO
● Fire CEO
● Payment / Salary
● Change legal name
● Voting rules
● Operational proposal
● Close eInc
● Add member
● Remove member
● Change the member role
● Add a new role
● Vote on the proposal
● Run Proposal

Einc layers


Better, faster, safer and cheaper
We decided to take a different path from Ethereum by:
reduction of the blocking time from 15s to 6s, which improved:
network transaction per second by 2.5x
transaction confirmation speed by 2.5x
Miner's reward for 2.5x
eliminate the uncle's reward
Finite supply implementation for removable coins
This makes the eInc block chain faster than Ethereum and allows a better scale while maintaining decentralization.
einc is created as an Ethereum blockchain fork with reproduction protection and, therefore, has all the capabilities of the Ethereum block chain with some of our additional improvements.
Frequently asked questions
Do I have to be a technician to use eInc?
No. We designed eInc with a beautiful and easy-to-use dashboard interface so that non-technical users can easily understand how to manage their eInc.
What are the advantages of an eInc organization versus an inherited organization?
• Without intermediaries, border restrictions
• Lower cost of maintenance and support of the organization
• Immutable record of organizational history
• Transparent and responsible
What kind of organizations could use eInc?
All types. Blockchain is the future of markets where there is a lack of trust. eInc will fill this gap in human commerce (business). eInc can also be used for purely distributed companies, open source projects and NGOs.
EINC Economic Sciences

Road map
Q3 2017
eInc DApp
● eInc DApp released on Ethereum blockchain
● Launched - explorer of the eInc organization
● The EtherInc blockchain started the investigation
February 13, 2018
EtherInc Blockchain launched
● Launch of the source code of the EtherInc blockchain
● Launched 7 Mainnet nodes of public EtherInc blockchain
● Launched 3 Ropsten nodes of public EtherInc blockchain
February 24, 2018
EtherInc Services Launched
● EtherInc Wallet launched
● Launch of EtherNet blockchain API (MAINNET)
● Launch of EtherNet blockchain API (ROPSTEN)
February 27, 2018
EtherInc Services Launched
● The EtherNet blockchain network state (MAINNET) was released
● Launch of the status of the EtherNet blockchain network (ROPSTEN)
● Launch of the eIncMeta Chrome extension
March 6, 2018
Started the EtherInc public mining
● The public mining EtherInc (ETI) started
● Some mining groups listed EtherInc
Q2 2018
● Construction of the EtherInc community
● The sale of coins began
Q3 2018
Exchanges and listings
● EtherInc Exchange list
● Partner with wallet providers to include ETI
● Invite new companies to drive ICO using the EtherInc blockchain
Q4 2018
dApp Marketplace Launch
● Launch of eInc dApp Marketplace
● Start of the eInc home portal to select startups
based on the vote of the community
● The development of eInc dApp for Marketplace will begin,
I like: DAICO, HR dApp, Payroll dApp
Q1 2019
Diplomacy begins
● Diplomacy begins to partner with countries to obtain
eInc organizations a legal status
Q2 2019
EIncNS and eInc Startups
● eIncNS (Name service eInc / organization record) Release
● Launch of eInc start-up funds in collaboration with worldwide incubator programs
Q3 2019
● Research on new DAO models begins
Q4 2019
● Campaigns to educate people about the advantages of eInc Organizations
● Partnerships with universities to educate the eInc organization structure
EINC team
Tarun Malik (CEO)
Tarun MalikTarun is a serial entrepreneur who is a qualified expert and highly sought after in commercial strategy and implements ICT to solve real-world problems. Tarun graduated from Melbourne Business School and understands the structure of the commercial world and has the ambitious goal of revolutionizing the industry. He has worked with PwC, SwissRe, Johnson & Johnson, Biogen and other multinational organizations and new companies. Tarun has been exploring the best ways to allow companies to work together using decentralized accounting systems. In fact, your business initiative and vision will lead eInc to another level.
Suryansh Kumar (CTO)
Suryansh, a geek at heart, left the university to devote himself to entrepreneurship. He founded Piplity, one of the oldest social networks in India that appeared in the main national newspapers of India. Its other popular products include Pipcity (Yelp from India that grew to more than 100 people), OBTrack (~ an extension of Chrome that is doing 1.5 million impressions per month) and Codepanel (an operating system in the cloud for developers) that It caught the attention of Ycombinator. It is a popular blockchain encoder that has helped build the technology behind many blockchain projects.
Anant Mendiratta (CMO)
Anant is an entrepreneur and a digital marketing professional who has helped companies such as Accenture, Saint-Gobain, Vidooly, Ridlr (acquired by Ola) and TargetingMantra (acquired by Snapdeal) to increase their digital presence. started, which went from 0 to 100 thousand users in the organic search traffic within 5 months after the launch. Recently, he has helped popular cryptographic startups such as VeriME, Budbo and more to raise $ 30M + through ICOs at JacobiPartners.
Cernat Constantin (Developer Blockchain)
Cernat is a passionate blockchain developer with experience in working on communication protocols. Cernat has worked as a software developer integrated in Bitron and Continental AG before joining EtherInc.
Radu Nemerenco (Developer)
Radu I am a FrontEnd developer with 4 years of experience. Radu has experience working in the framework of JS, which includes AngularJS, ReactJS, Spring, Redux, Angular 2, 4 and VueJS.
Hakar Youssef (Graphic Designer)
Hakar has more than 7 years of experience in graphic design. Hakar will be responsible for crear visual concepts that communicate our product and vision to our clients.Zsuzsanna Kiss (Compliance Officer) LinkedIn: Kiss is a regulatory compliance expert at AML with experience in working with Swiss Crypto Exchange, Deloitte, EY and other multinational organizations. Neacsu Mihai (Marketing Manager) LinkedIn: is a performance marketing specialist who has worked with more than 500 companies around the worldEINC AdvisorsSandeep AmarLinkedIn: years of professional experience, from large companies to the start-up experience. Leading large digital teams as a senior digital professional for 10 years. CEO for 3 years, currently in Indian Express Digital and previously in, ZEE and Penske media JV. 14 years of solid experience in marketing, B2C, B2B, in publishing business, growing audiences by multiple folds and revenues to positively impact the agency / client ecosystem. Vladimir NikitinLinkedIn: / Vladimir Nikitin, Master of Law, Master in Economics (Finance and Credit), has an experience in the field of Civil Law, finance and Internet technologies for more than 10 years. Working with companies from a variety of areas: retail, consulting, restaurants, IT companies. For more than 2 years, he is an active member of the crypto community and is an active advocate and promoter of blockchain.Tyler Technologies SanfordLinkedIn: has a deep understanding of The industry of block chains and is always looking for new and innovative ways to help improve the space in general. To date, it has been part of 8 ICO raising $ 130 + million. He brings a solid knowledge of the marketing experience with seven years of experience in technology startups such as Yelp and Zenefits. Tyler is also a former professional baseball player for the Los Angeles Organization of Angels. Nikolay ShkilevLinkedIn: Shkilev is an entrepreneur, owner and co-owner of dozens of successful business projects as an ICO advisor and a blockchain expert. Nikolay has 20 years of experience of being involved in large scale projects, and has many awards and titles in an area of ​​IT technologies. Some of his awards include: Self Made Russia Award, Tech Guru Super TOP award. His holding received the 'Enterprise of the Year' in Kremlin.Douglas LyonsLinkedIn: has an experience and a history of high performance team tutoring when providing the depth and experience necessary to elevate business and run a successful fundraiser. It is dedicated to providing the best advice to founding teams, businesses and funds on how to optimize the execution of funds while navigating the community and scrutinizing more and more complex.Mofassair HossainLinkedIn: / md-mofassair-hossain-515a90148 / Mofassair Hossain is a Chartered Administrative Accountant and former Technology Manager of Gono Unnayan Bikash Kendra. Mofassair Hossain is also an expert in the Isreali Blockchain Association and Ambassador in Humaniq. Mofassair is now associated with ICO and helping them in the area of ​​marketing, public relations and advertising.Rumen SlavchovLinkedIn: corporate travel of Rumen Slavchov started as an agent of investments that allowed him to acquire knowledge about the investment opportunities and the technological advances that the cryptocurrencies provided. His experience ranges from trading to advising and marketing with new companies that want to make a crowdsale with tokens.Amarpreet SinghLinkedIn: / digital enthusiast and an experienced professional with years of experience in the technology industry: operations, consulting and innovation. He is a certified cloud specialist (Microsoft and AWS). Known for its versatility and flexibility. Excellent analytical, strategic, leadership skills and a team player in its best form.For more 

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